A-Ha! I Found a GENUINELY Scary New Found Footage Movie I GUARANTEE You’ve Never Seen

As most of you guys know by this point, I’m a massive fan of found footage. And recently I’ve been on yet another binge of almost exclusively found footage flicks these past few days and/or weeks… I lost track… Anyway, trust me, I wade through miles and miles of found footage trash to find the scary hidden gems. Ever look up found footage movies on, Amazon Prime or Tubi? There are fucking hundreds.
Also Read: I Just Watched One Of the Scariest Found Footage Movies I’ve Ever Seen
And I’ve watched most of them.
Recently I watched one of the scariest found footage movies I’ve ever seen. Read about that HERE. And the other day, someone directed me to a movie I had never heard of before – and I guarantee you haven’t either: Horror in the High Desert.
Let’ talk a (little) but about the found footage horror – SPOILER FREE!
The film tells the tale of an experienced outdoor enthusiast who vanishes in Northern Nevada while on an outdoor excursion back in July 2017. After an extensive search, he’s never located. On the three-year anniversary of his disappearance, friends and loved ones recall the events leading up to his vanishing – and for the first time – speak about the horrifying conclusion of his fate. Watch it free on TubiTV right HERE.
Now as you might imagine I’m not easy to scare. But, boy, do I try. What I mean is that I don’t watch “scary” movies in the daylight with friends, family, and distractions. No, I watch them late at night, alone. I sit at my computer and judge the Scare Factor by how many times I turn my eyes away from the screen. You know, how often I have to watch the screen with my peripherals. Again, I WANT a movie to scare me!
And this found footage movie is MADE to be watched alone in the dark.
Not only did I watch 99% of the last 20 minutes out of the corner of my eye, I fucking PAUSED it. Twice. That never happens. And THAT MUSIC, my God!
Don’t read about it. Don’t look it up. And don’t watch the trailer. Just set aside some time – alone in the dark – and watch Horror in the High Desert ASAP.

No one just disappears…