Fan Builds ALIEN Nostromo Museum in His Apartment [Video]

An Alien fan in Spain going by the name Luis Nostromo just posted a killer video showcasing his personal Nostromo museum he created from scratch in his apartment.
Also Read: Development Hell: Neill Blomkamp’s Alien V What Happened?
Check it out below.
The video’s description reads: “This is the last update of my little museum homage to the franchise. Its almost finished but still needs more details and some statues to come. The ALIEN section has a Nostromo corridor, Ash laboratory wall, and a Narcissus room. ALIENS has a Hadley’s Hope corridor at 90% done. There will be a last room for ALIEN³ and the rest of the movies, Alien Resurrection, Prometheus, and Alien Covenant. Replicas and some props are shown along with the sets. Thanks for watching and spread the love.”
His Patreon page read: “As some of you may know I have created a small recreation of ALIEN’s ship. But my idea in the future is to recreate the other scenarios and for that, I need your help. Get a bigger place so that you can finally walk through a replica of the Nostromo and experience the feeling of being in the movie. If you contribute your grain of sand, this can become a reality in Barcelona.”
Follow Luis Nostromo’s museum on Instagram and help him expand his work on Patreon.
