Full Moon Presents the Grindhouse Flix Service and Your Chance to Enter a HUGE Contest

Full Moon Features has a pair of huge announcements to drop on us. The first is the official launch of Grindhouse Flix, a modern way for you to enjoy some of the one-of-a-kind films Full Moon Features is known for. Read on for the rest!
The second is a major giveaway that will have a lucky winner flying to LA!
Grindhouse Flix is a new site that gives viewers a chance to enjoy some unique Full Moon Features. Those interested can rent films from the site, buy them, or create a membership and have access to all the films all the time. And it’s not just on your laptop. Once you’re signed up, you can enjoy these films on your mobile devices as well. Just think how nice Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama would look on your iPad!
As for the contest, all we know is it’s going to be launched through the Full Moon Features Facebook page and the grand prize is a trip to LA to visit the set of the next Full Moon film, including airfare in the 48 contiguous states and hotel. So, needless to say, stay tuned to the official Full Moon Features Facebook page. Also follow Full Moon Features on Twitter (@fullmoonhorror).
From the Press Release
Welcome to Full Moon’s Grindhouse Flix! We’ve dug deep into our film vaults and unearthed a lost collection of rare and bizarre gems. The grindhouse theatres of the 1970’s and 80’s produced unimaginable films, titillating the senses and your imagination on the crudest and most bewildering level. We’ve gathered them here for your amusement in our world of unique and unexpected films you will never find on Netflix or anywhere else. Escape into a motion picture experience beyond human comprehension!
Pay As You Go and enjoy Grindhouse Flix with NO MONTHLY FEE! Enjoy Grindhouse Flix without a monthly fee only pay when you want to rent or purchase titles, renting for $1.99 or purchasing for $7.99. Store your purchases to watch instantly on any Grindhouse Flix supported device, including iPhone, iPad, Android phones, tablets, desktops, and laptops…OR…subscribe today and watch as many movies as you want for only $4.99 per month. There are currently 20 titles to choose from, with four additional films being added each month. Access any Grindhouse titles at the click of a button. Cancel anytime. Enjoy unlimited rentals and store your movies right on GrindhouseFlix to watch anytime on any supported device.

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