Horror History: Happy Birthday to the Master of New Scary Movies, Mike Flanagan!

On this day in horror history, The Haunting of Hill House and Gerald’s Game director Mike Flanagan was born in Salem, Massachusetts in 1978.

Also Read: Universal Snags New Mike Flanagan Flick THE SEASON OF PASSAGE

Best known around these parts for helming the Stephen King adaptations. Such as Gerald’s Game and Doctor Sleep. Flanagan is also the mastermind behind Netflix’s 10-part masterpiece adaptation of Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting of Hill House.

But before that, Flanagan helmed the awesome no-budget fright flick Absentia. Before moving on to the malicious mirror movie Oculus with Karen Gillan. Then the superior sequel Ouija: Origin of Evil and the long-delayed Before I Wake. And the modern masterpiece of Hitchcockian tension, Hush starring his wife, Katie Siegel.

The Haunting of Hill House is a modern reimagining of the Shirley Jackson novel follows siblings who, as children, grew up in what would go on to become the most famous haunted house in the country. Now adults, they are forced back together in the face of tragedy and must finally confront the ghosts of their past. Some of those ghosts still lurk in their minds, while others may actually be stalking the shadows of Hill House. The ensemble cast includes Oscar winner Timothy Hutton, Carla Gugino and Henry Thomas. Mike Flanagan created the series.

The first season sports a 93% rating over on Rotten Tomatoes with a Critics Consensus that reads: The Haunting of Hill House is an effective ghost story whose steadily mounting anticipation is just as satisfying as its chilling payoff.

Mike Flanagan

What’s your favorite Mike Flanagan motion picture and/or TV show?

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