Show Us Your Tats! Got Killer Horror Movie Tattoos? Let’s See Them Now

We all love horror movies and tattoos here, right? I thought so. Do you have any killer horror tattoos? Share them with us and maybe we’ll feature them in an upcoming article. You never know. Now show us them tats! In the meantime, I went looking for some killer new tattoo ideas. And here are 13 of the coolest ones I found.

Also Read: 9 of the Worst Horror Tattoos

Check them out below.

01. The Gang’s All Here

13 Killer Horror Movie Tattoos

02. Horror’s Got Your Back

03. Dead Silence

13 Killer Horror Movie Tattoos

04. Killer Sleeve

05. Jason Brings the New Blood

13 Killer Horror Movie Tattoos

06. The Axeman of Crystal Lake

07. Marcus Nispel’s Remake Getting Some Love

13 Killer Horror Movie Tattoos

08. Don’t Fuck With the Chuck

09. Jason Takes Man’s Arm

13 Killer Horror Movie Tattoos

10. Michael Stalks Jason

11. Legends of Horror, Assemble!

13 Killer Horror Movie Tattoos

12. Shoulder Blades

13. Killer Collage

13 Killer Horror Movie Tattoos

Do you have any killer horror tattoos? Share them with us and maybe we’ll feature them in an upcoming article. You never know. Now show us them tats!


Which one is your favorite?

Make sure to hit us up and let us know what you think in the comments below or over on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also hit me up over on Twitter @MikeSpregg325.



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