Killer Content: 4 YouTube Channels for Horror Fans

Featured image courtesy of In Praise of Shadows. Hello, friends! All you gorehounds, blood babes, scare-bears, fright fiends, and everything else that goes bump in the night! I have here a bit of a short article for you, one to help pass the time as the rain patters on your window like bugs against a windshield, and the wind howls the primordial song of what was and shall be again. And what better way to wait out a storm than YouTube!
A favorite pastime for plenty of us out there, I’m sure. More specifically, I’m talking about HORROR YouTubers. I know, I know… what a surprise, right? I dedicate a good amount of time to the site, and while I don’t know every single video ghoul that posts creepy content on there, I’ve collected a few that should be to y’all’s liking. So while the rain pours (and if your Wi-Fi holds up…), let’s chew right to the heart of it.
1. In Praise of Shadows
Kicking off this list is a channel I stumbled upon about 2 years ago (give or take). If you’re interested in video essays about horror/horror-adjacent material, then you’re going to love this guy. He covers a wide range of media, from horror flicks (like Basket Case and Hellraiser), to art (The Nightmare Artist), to history (The History of Witches), to even the industry itself (The Golden Age of Horror Comics). A little something for every horror fan out there!
Incredibly thorough, consistently interesting, and extremely knowledgeable, this creator is one I’d keep an eye on. Also, he’s just a great dude. I should know, we wrote an article together!
You can check out his channel here and Patreon here!
2. Survival Horror Network
If you’re like me, then you love horror video games. However, if you’re truly like me, you don’t really have the time (or dedication) to actually play them. What a conundrum, right? That’s where the Survival Horror Network comes in! It’s a Let’s Play channel consisting of complete playthroughs of many horror games out there on the market. The best part? No commentary! You can just watch without having someone chatter over it the whole time. They’ve accumulated quite the repertoire, including the Resident Evil series, the Silent Hills series, the Fatal Frame series, that old Van Helsing game, the SAW games, and many others!
I know most people would probably rather play the games for themselves (you know, the way the creators intended), but for those of us that favor watching over gaming, this is a great channel to check out! Hours upon hours of well-played game walkthroughs, all in one place!
Check them out here!
3. Brandon Tenold
Brandon Tenold is creating comedy reviews/riffs!… that’s… that’s what it says on his Patreon… anyway, next up is Brandon Tenold of Brandon Tenold’s Cult Movie Reviews. And yes, I did make it a personal challenge to say “Brandon Tenold” as many times as I can throughout this section. Brandon Tenold, if you couldn’t guess by the channel’s title, deals primarily in “cult films”, which comprise a good amount of horror flicks, as well as sci-fi, action, and anime. Some bangers from Brandon Tenold’s library include his Godzilla-related content, his Tales From The Crypt: Demon Knight review, and that one time he watched a Hong Kong fever dream.
Very informative and full of dry wit, Brandon Tenold knows how to keep it fun and (more importantly) is a fan of Doug McClure… as we all should be.
Check out Brandon Tenold’s channel right here!… Brandon Tenold.
4. Kings of Horror
Alright, we’ve talked games, so now it’s time to talk about my favorite type of media: movies! Luckily, there’s a killer channel that has us covered: Kings of Horror! They have a full library of horror films legally licensed on YouTube that you can watch FOR FREE. Not just a few movies, either! I’m talking over a HUNDRED flicks you can watch RIGHT NOW. Movies like the brilliant horror-mockumentary Savageland, the fun Italian Jaws cash-in Killer Crocodile, the cult-favorite ‘80s slasher flick Madman, and so many others. Are all the movies good?… they’re FREE! If you have the time to spend and don’t mind watching a flick that may be of debatable quality, definitely check it out!
They have plenty of other content as well, from movie reviews to analyses of popular horror monsters, if that’s your thing. It’s a cool channel that seems earnest about helping out independent creators, which is something I can get behind.
Check them out on YouTube here!
These are just a few of the YouTube channels I think are worth giving a look. There’s plenty more out there (probably a lot I don’t even know about yet), so I’ll be revisiting this subject some other time! Until then, take a bite out of these YouTube channels and see if the blood flows for you.
Until next time…
Ciao, friends!

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