Who Goes There Podcast: Ep309 – HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER

Howdy there, you lewd, crude, piece of pre-chewed-food dude! We’re halfway through serial killer month, on the Who Goes There Podcast and much like BTS does with Youtube records, we’re KILLING!
Until now, things have been, how should I put this, a little tame. I know you’re simple, but when I think of serial killers, my mind goes to a really dark place. I’m talking the kind of place where all of your socks have holes and your coffee is full of grounds, I need my serial killers to have a bit of sleaze to them. Allow me to introduce you to Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, the film that took an unknown Michael Rooker and turned him into a household alien.
Based on the “real” lives of serial killers Henry Lee Lucas and Otis Toole, Henry is a gritty glimpse into a depraved mind that will leave you needing a shower afterwards.
Artwork was once again done by the incredible Cal Gee. Go follow him on instagram. Also follow Matt on Twitch: @MattyDingDong

Punctuality is the thief of time, dear. And the thief of intelligence, it’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 309!
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