So What Did Quentin Tarantino Think of Prometheus?

Everyone has an opinion on Prometheus, and since it is a relatively slow news day thus far, we thought it would be cool to share just what Django Unchained director Quentin Tarantino thought of the flick.
The famed director hit Craig Ferguson and expressed his opinion:
“I saw Prometheus. I loved it, and I was disappointed at the same time. On one hand I was a little disappointed about it. On the other hand it was actually kind of cool to see such a big deal, serious science fiction epic by a director like Ridley Scott. There were parts of it I actually did like and overall the experience was really cool having been in it. There was also a lot of dumb stuff in it, though.”
There’s a bit more, too. Check out the video below. Prometheus talk begins around the 4:48 mark.

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