Zombie Family to Debut at HollyShorts Film Festival; Producer and Director Speak!

Tony Todd, Cerina Vincent, a raffle, an open bar and the premiere of Zombie Family for only twelve bucks? Sometimes it’s great to be a Los Angeleno. Read on for the skinny!
Taking place Friday, January 18th, at the Showbiz Store LA (500 S Sepulveda Blvd, Los Angeles, California 90049) at 7pm, the Zombie Family eight-episode horror-comedy web series, created and directed by filmmaker Joey Weisman (and featuring Todd, Vincent, Doug Jones, Reggie Bannister, Charlie O’Connell, Kerry O’Quinn, Jennifer Blanc and Diamond Dallas Page) will have its premiere debut screening as a compiled short film.
“I’m really excited to have the first public screening at HollyShorts,” said director Weisman, whom we visited when he was shooting Zombie Family last year (see our coverage from the set here). “It should be a fun event with great people and of course Zombie Family fun!”
“Daniel Sol at HollyShorts gave Zombie Family a place in his film fest this month,” chimed in producer Brian Rowe, “and we’re excited about the exposure it’s getting.”
Tickets to the event can be purchased by clicking here, and for more information on the premiere of Zombie Family, check out the film’s event page on Facebook.
An average family of zombies trying to ‘keep up with the Joneses soon discover they may have to eat them, too.
Stay tuned to the Zombie Family on their Facebook page, and follow Zombie Family on Twitter.

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