5 Seriously Scary Things Caught On Camera In The Woods [Video]

I’ve been on a found footage kick these past few weeks. And it’s turned into more of an adventure to find scary “real” videos online.
You know, like actual found footage. And this morning I found a good one. It’s a compilation of 5 scary things caught on camera in the woods.
Check it out below!
I don’t know about you, but I find all this ‘the woods’ shit freaky as hell. And this video hit the scary spot for me.
Especially the first video.
The one with the British guy. For some reason that one got me the best. Maybe because it took place in the daylight.
Or maybe it was the old well out in the middle of nowhere. Or maybe it was the bald woman (running?!) through the woods. Not sure.
But it makes sense that this series of scary woods videos had me more creeped out than the average bear.
I mean, I grew up in the woods. So things like The Blair Witch Project and Friday the 13th tend to scare me more than things like Paranormal Activity and Halloween. Although it’s close.
It’s just that I think the woods are scarier than suburbia. I actually wrote a whole thing about that a few years back called Woods vs Suburbia.
Check it out.

Which video freaked you out the most?
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