I’ve Never Heard of Elijah Wood’s Favorite Horror Movie – But It Looks Awesome!

Yesterday we passed along word that Elijah Wood still wants to reboot Wes Craven’s A Nightmare on Elm Street and Stephen King’s Children of the Corn. Which is awesome. And today we have a movie recommendation from the man himself … and I’ve never heard of it… but it looks killer!

Read more below.

Also Read: Elijah Wood Still Wants to Reboot NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET and CHILDREN OF THE CORN

Wood tells ComicBook.com: “One of my favorite movies, and not something I necessarily want to remake, but one of my favorite movies that was direct to VHS during the great direct to VHS horror explosion of the 1980s, there’s a movie called ‘Truth or Dare?: A Critical Madness’ by Tim Ritter.

Elijah Wood

He adds: “I think it sticks out in my mind because I saw it when I was six and it just left an impression on me. But, I genuinely love it. And I’ve introduced it to so many people and it has its fans. It is not that obscure, but I don’t know that I’d want to remake it. When I think about these lesser-known movies, that one always really sticks out as a special little gem.

For those – like me – who have never heard of Truth or Dare?: A Critical Madness is a 1986 slasher film written and directed by Tim Ritter.

Elijah Wood

Mike Strauber catches his wife Sharon in bed with his best friend Jerry. He gets mad and takes off to embark on an adventure of murder and self-mutilation in demented games of truth or dare.

It had a budget of $200,000, was shot on 16 mm film, and was made specifically for the direct-to-video market. Writer and director Tim Ritter was seventeen when the script was sold, and eighteen at the time of the film’s production. It was shot on location in Palm Beach County, Florida.

Truth or Dare?: A Critical Madness doesn’t seem to be streaming anywhere at the moment. But that said, you can always BUY or RENT it.

Elijah Wood
AKA Eliminator in France

Will you take Elijah Wood’s recommendation and check out Truth or Dare?

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