THE OLD MAN MOVIE is Coming and It. Looks. Weird.

The Old Man Movie Still

Your Monday morning needs a strong dose of weird and I’m here to provide it. The Old Man Movie, which screened -and won awards- last year at places like Fantasia Film Festival and The Shanghai International Film Festival, is bonkers. I will of course provide the trailer below. I have watched this trailer three times and I keep finding funny things. It is cult animation at its finest.

Other than Love, Death, and Robots, I don’t often settle in for some weird animation. The Old Man Movie will definitely change that. It looks so absolutely insane that I can’t help but be drawn to it. It helps that I also live on a farm. That’s not a joke. I actually live on a farm.

Synopsis: Pandemonium ensues when the old man and his grandchildren have 24 hours to find his cow before the un-milked udder explodes and causes a milk-core disaster for the town. The group encounters “despicable hipsters”, wild boars, desperate lumberjacks, and a stubborn bear suffering from constipation of their adventures in the countryside.

If anything, this synopsis undersells what’s on display. The Old Man Movie comes to us from Estonia. Directors Mikk Mägi and Oskar Lehemaa have created a gonzo animation powerhouse. It is the most successful Estonian animated film ever made. Thankfully, they’re not keeping this gem to themselves. A release date was not provided, but we know it’s coming soon.

How do you feel about Estonian animated weirdness in the form of The Old Man Movie? Join the conversation down in the comments. We’re also on Instagram and Twitter @DreadCentral. I’m Jans. I write news. You can talk at me on Twitter @HorrorPlayed.

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