STRANGER THINGS 4: David Harbour Talks Gandalf-like Hopper

How many years has it been since Stranger Things season 3? It feels like I was a young and spry man when I last visited the town of Hawkins, Indiana. Now I feel like a decrepit old fool, muttering about a TV show that will never come ba- wait. David Harbour talked to Collider about the new season of Stranger Things? Awesome. I’m good. No worries.
Related: Stranger Things 4 Will Wrap This Summer, Confirms David Harbour
Over at Collider, they were lucky enough to talk to THE David Harbour about the upcoming season 4 of Stranger Things. I’m jealous, but also enthralled. Harbour earned some nerd-cred everywhere when talking about Chief Hopper’s return:
“I can talk about Hopper. I guess I say this about a lot of seasons, but it’s my favorite season, in the sense that he’s at his purest, he’s at his most vulnerable, in a sense. He’s been, as we’ve seen, he’s in this Russian prison, so we get to reinvent him in a sense. He gets to have rebirth from what he had become, and we’d always sort of planned this almost resurrection of you have Gandalf dies, Gandalf the Grey re-emerges, and I’m really interested in this resurgence of him. We get to explore a lot of threads in his life that have merely been hinted at that we get to see a lot more of. And there’s some real surprises that you know nothing about that will start to come out in this and play big as the series goes on.”
Related: New Cast Members Revealed for STRANGER THINGS Season 4
Now I’m excited. A Gandalf-like return for Harbour’s Chief Hopper seems like just the ticket. The 3rd season of Stranger Things went full on red scare with spooky Russians and leaned into it hard. I’m hoping season 4 can be more subdued while also telling a larger story. Luckily, Harbour dropped a few more tantalizing details for us.
“[Season 4] is really my favorite season. I just love it. The scripts always get better and these guys, they started out, and season one is so tight and good and intimate in a certain way, it’s so good. And these guys go in different directions, of which the fans have multiple takes on, but I will say, the writing continues to be of its particular specific genre, whatever they’re doing each season is just extraordinary. And this, again, we top it. Like I feel it’s a big, beautiful season. I can’t wait for people to see it.”

I’m stoked. Are you stoked? Stranger Things season 4 doesn’t have a release date yet, but we’ll be sure to let you know when we know. After reading this, I’m more excited than ever. What about you? Join the conversation in the comments. We’re also on Instagram and Twitter @DreadCentral. And we’re on Facebook! I’m Jans. I write news. You can come nerd out with me about Stranger Things on Twitter @Horrorplayed