Hansel & Gretel Get Baked – Puff, Puff, Pass on this New Trailer

Trailer Addict
Hansel and Gretel & The 420 Witch. Black Forest: Hansel and Gretel & The 420 Witch. Hansel & Gretel Get Baked. Finding a title for this flick has been more elusive than tracking down Manti Te’o’s Internet girlfriend. But now that they’ve decided on a moniker, dig on this trailer.
Directed by David Journey, and starring Lara Flynn Boyle, Michael Welch and Molly Quinn, look for the flick On Demand February 19th and in select cities February 22nd.
For more visit the official Hansel & Gretel Get Baked Facebook page.
When an evil drug-dealing witch (Lara Flynn Boyle) holds Gretel’s stoner boyfriend hostage, she and her brother, Hansel, must save him from a gruesome death — or face the last high of their lives.

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