Tom Six Disparages PC Culture, Now Asks For Fans Support to Release THE ONANIA CLUB

“Not a single distributor in the Western world wants to release The Onania Club,” director Tom Six told conservative news outlet The Spectator. The maestro of bad taste is responsible for bringing the horror world The Human Centipede trilogy with the help of rogue distributor IFC Films. He has since become a household name in horror and continues to stir up controversy.
However, it seems that literally no one will touch Six’s latest feature The Onania Club with a ten-foot pole. This includes IFC. Six told the Spectator that the distributor had simply explained to him in an email “that the ‘market’ had, unfortunately ‘changed’.”
In March, Six uploaded a video to YouTube explaining his case to his legions of fans:
He pinned the following comment beneath the video with further explanation:
Thank you for all your support! Political correctness is killing unique, singular vision, challenging, intelligent cinema. So many people in the distribution industry lack a true passion and obsession for the art of filmmaking, are plain ignorant and their favorite words are “No not interested”. They lost total touch with you the audience and feel morally superior. Keep fighting! #releasetheonaniaclub
However, he may have a point. The reason his latest feature is unable to find distribution could have something to do with the evolutionary wind change Hollywood experienced in recent years. In the wake of extraordinary and disruptive movements likes #MeToo and Times Up, maybe it’s just not the moment for scenes depicting rich white women masturbating to the sight of a woman dying painfully of cancer, as depicted by the male gaze. But who’s to say?
Well, it seems like the Maestro is back again. And this time he wants YOUR help. That’s right, this week Tom Six took to Twitter asking fans to send in videos proclaiming their support.
This is what the director had to say:
Dear fans/movie lovers all over the world,
In a video I explained the immensely frustrating situation concerning my newest movie: The Onania Club. As you know, I am a chronic out-of-the-box thinker and spend day and night exploring different solutions. I will and can not give up, because the hard truth is, without a fair release, the curtain will close for uncompromising filmmakers like me. Inspired by your massive support, I would like to give you, the fans, a voice in a second video. If you want to be part of the battle, grab your phone and record a micro-statement why you want to see The Onania Club and why it is so outrageous that provocative and unsafe cinema is casually rejected in these over-sensitive politically correct times.Your royal lowness,
Tom Six
Your statement might be included in this video to help wake up the industry.
Email your video to:
IMDB Synopsis:
Hanna secretly joins a group called The Onania Club. Its members, strong independent L.A. women, get aroused by the misery of others. Hanna meets more misery than she could ever hope for and in the process loses everything she cares for.
Lastly, how do you feel about Tom Six? Will you support the controversial director with the release of The Onania Club? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! Dread Central is now on Google News!