Elizabeth Olsen Now Says DOCTOR STRANGE 2 Will Be “The Scariest Marvel Movie” Yet!

Elizabeth Olsen (aka Wanda Maximoff) has some interesting news for horror fans, via Screen Rant. Speaking at a New York Film Academy Q&A, she gave an update on what to expect from Doctor Strange 2. Hint: it’s scares. “It’s like old Sam Raimi,” Elizabeth Olsen also told the NYC crowd.
These are only the latest comments hinting towards a darker sequel than previously expected. Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness writer Michael Waldro also told the Marvel podcast Friends From Work that his film had gotten scarier ever since Sam Raimi took over from Scott Derrickson. The writer approves of the spooky direction the film is taking. Michael Waldo is the showrunner on the Disney+ smash hit Loki. Loki, played by Tom Hiddleson, is also set to appear in Doctor Strange 2.

Even the most casual horror fan will be familiar with Sam Raimi’s body of work.
Raimi started his career with the magnificent splatterstick debut The Evil Dead. The director would continue creating horror classics throughout his career, including Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness, Darkman, and Drag Me to Hell. So, it’s not all too shocking that Raimi is taking the new Marvel era into the realms of horror.
Olsen also teased the dark direction of Doctor Strange 2 once before when she told Glamour UK that The Multiverse of Madness was “going for that horror show vibe”. These updates from the Scarlet Witch herself seem pointedly vague, but we can’t help but get excited at the prospect of a proper Marvel horror title…

Are you excited about the upcoming Doctor Strange sequel? How do you feel about the film? Let me know on Twitter via @joshkorngut. I’m always down to talk about all things Raimi! Tell us what you think in the comments below! You can also talk to us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
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