Get Ready for a Far Darker Leprechaun

Shock Till You Drop
Where the hell is Platinum Dunes when you need them? Here we have a perfect opportunity for them to add their grit and grime to the new version of Leprechaun, and they’re nowhere to be found! Screw it! Someone get Rob Zombie on the line! He ain’t answering either! WTF?!?!?
Shock Till You Drop just posted some interesting news concerning WWE Studios’ new version of Leprechaun. As you may recall from previous stories, Warwick Davis will not be returning to the role he originated and went on to play in six cult movies. Replacing him will be WWE’s own wrestling leprechaun, Hornswaggle (pictured below). During a quick interview with WWE president Michael Luisi, the following was spilled out of the old pot o’ gold!
“The tone is going to be a little darker, a little more traditional horror than the Warwick Davis ones that people remember, trying to find a way to please fans of that genre but at the same time this is really being played for scares.”
Strap in, kids! Lord knows where this one is going!

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