Twitter User Creates Awesome HORROR FILM SUBWAY MAP!

Horror and infographics are like bread and butter. They’re better when they’re together. And oh boy have we sourced the mother of all horror infographics for your edu-tainment. Official horror icon Diogo Brüggemann has shared his “Horror Film Subway Map” to Twitter.
Check out the Horror Film Subway Map:
Each of the various subway lines is a different horror subgenre. The lines consist of psychological horror, gore horror, monster horror. supernatural horror, killer horror, AND LOTS MORE! This guy knows how to pay attention to detail.
My first question is: when will this be made available as a shower curtain? Second question is: when will this become a ride at Universal studios? My third question is HOW MANY OF THESE GODDAMN TITLES HAVE YOU SEEN? I think that the third question is the best one worth putting forward.
Seriously, how many?

Each of the many “stops” on each line features the name of a classic title from that umbrella of sub-horror. This is like the high school cafeteria meme, but truly a thousand times more interesting.
What do you think, though? And I mean, really? Is this Horror Subway Film Map as comprehensive as it gets? What subgenres are missing? I haven’t spotted any important ones.
Since you’re still reading, I’m asking you for a really big favour. If you come across sweet horror infographics like this one, will you send them my way? My Twitter is listed below. I’m on a mission to find more mindblowing horror content like Diogo Brüggemann’s next level “Horror Subway Map”
Are you as obsessed with this map as much as I am?
Let me know on Twitter via @joshkorngut. I’m always down to talk about all things pop culture! You can also let your voice be heard in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! Dread Central is now on Google News!