Crazy Concept Art From American Horror Story: Asylum Sends Chills

Jerad S. Marantz Online
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This season of “American Horror Story” took things to an entirely new level by introducing every horror facet it could and bringing it all together perfectly. We had Nazis, Pinheads, mutants, aliens, demons, ghosts… you name it, it was there.
Recently concept designer Jerad S. Marantz took to his blog to show off some eye candy from the show by makeup FX artist Christian Tinsley, and it’s nothing short of badass!
“Coming up with the look and feel of these characters is a collaborative effort, and I love how the project pushes Design further every year. Asylum took a lot of work, much more than season one. There was so much to do, and it was a lot of fun,” said Marantz.
Check out the goods below.
For more visit the show’s Facebook page along with “American Horror Story” on FX.

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