Dread Central’s Tyler Doupé on His 2010s Faves, Diversity and More

It’s not very often we get to work on something we love with people we like. Or is it? It actually appears to be the daily modus operandi here at Dread Central. That’s why I’m very happy to say that, for the latest Dread on Dread, I got to sit down with my good friend Tyler Doupé and have a good chat. We go over how he left his job in retail to become a full-time writer, some of his favorite movies and performances of the 2010s, and his thoughts on where the industry (and the world) currently stand on diversity and representation.
RELATED: Tyler Doupe’s Top 10 Horror Films of 2020
In addition to serving as a staff writer for Dread Central, Tyler Doupe’ also works as the managing editor at Wicked Horror. Additional bylines include: Fangoria Mag, Rue Morgue Mag, Scream: The Horror Mag, FEARnet, Fandango, ConTV, Ranker, Shock Till You Drop, ChillerTV, SyFy Wire, ComingSoon.Net, and more. He lives in Portland with his husband and their four pets.
Without further ado, here’s the full interview!
RELATED: HOOKED ON HORROR: 10 Films That Shaped Tyler Doupe’
If you’d like to read more of Tyler’s fantastic work (and you totally should), here are some of my favorite pieces of his:
- Why FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 2 is Even Better Than the Original
- After 25 Years THE CRAFT is Still Empowering for Outsiders
- 10 “So Bad They’re Good” Horror Films We Can’t Help But Love
And as a bonus, here are a couple of his pieces from Wicked Horror which I just cannot help but adore:
- The Craft: Legacy is a Worthy Successor to a Pivotal Film [Review] (wickedhorror.com)
- Strip Nude for Your Killer [Giallo Madness] – Wicked Horror
Even More Stuff Tyler Loves!
“I would also like to shout out to Zena Dixon for inspiring me to start blogging. I happened upon her site, Real Queen of Horror, more than ten years ago and we have been friends ever since. She is a constant source of inspiration to me. And she is undeniably magical. “
“Two more films come to mind that I wasn’t able to think of on the spot are The Lodge and The Invitation. Both left me pretty wrecked (in a good way) after I saw them. Each film really succeeded at making me feel something. So, if you’re in the mood to get destroyed, consider checking out either of those!”
-The one and only Tyler Doupé.
What would Dread on Dread be without telling you where to find us? Follow the one and only Tyler Doupé on Twitter @FunWithHorror for all the latest and greatest horror content. Drop me a line @MarcosCodas if you feel so inclined. But mostly, show Tyler some love.
He deserves it.
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