Watch the Hosts of KIM & KET STAY ALIVE… MAYBE Deal With an Uninvited Guest

On this week’s episode of Kim & Ket Stay Alive… Maybe, horror-comedy podcast hosts Kim Burns and Ketryn Porter dive into Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter. The new installment aired Wednesday, on the week of—you already know—Friday, August 13.
In a video teasing the episode, Kim and Ket can hardly contain their excitement to explore whether or not they could survive The Final Chapter’s grisly events. They’re quickly interrupted, though, by a knock at the door from a guy with plans of his own that don’t involve podcasting. (It could be one of several suspects, but it’s hard to tell underneath that hockey mask.)
Watch the video below:
We’re not entirely sure if the hosts are OK (send good thoughts), but at least they recorded their take on this unique entry in the Friday the 13th saga before things went south.
For those uninitiated, Kim and Ket use each new episode of Kim & Ket Stay Alive… Maybe to determine which of the two of them would be left standing at the end of any given horror movie. The hosts’ funny and candid conversations celebrate classic and contemporary horror titles by imagining what they’d do during their dangerously high-stakes scenarios.
Speaking of survival scenarios, we want you to weigh in: Which Friday the 13th film is the most survivable? Cast your vote in the poll below.
[yop_poll id=”2″]
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