Exclusive: H.M. Coakley and Allison Kyler Talk Holla II Release Plans/Sequels; New Stills

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With writer/director H.M. Coakley’s Holla II having premiered last week at L.A.’s Pan African Film Fest, we chatted with the filmmaker regarding release plans for his horror whodunit as well as with one of the film’s stars, Allison Kyler.
A sequel to the 2006 Lionsgate release Holla, Holla II (see our report from the set when it was still called Hollaback here) stars The House Bunny actress Kiely Williams, Vanessa Bell Callaway (Cheaper By the Dozen), Gregory Cipes (“True Blood”), Akeem Smith (“Teen Wolf’) and the previously mentioned Allison Kyler of Chromeskull: Laid to Rest 2 fame, among others, and centers around multiple murders committed at a sprawling plantation just outside of Miami, Florida.
Holla II is set to be released theatrically Stateside via Rockstone Releasing on April 19th, 2013, on 50-100 screens before rolling out to more two weeks later.
“Making Holla II was the most difficult experience of my life,” filmmaker Coakley, who also wrote and directed its predecessor, told us of the production. “It was hell on every level; financing, shooting, post-production, distribution, you name it. I lost lots of so-called ‘friends’ in the process. But I must say, the people that stuck with me on this roller coaster ride are still in my life, and thank god for them. I feel we made a nice little indie slasher flick, with loads of laughs and scares, under some of the worse conditions possible, but I remain grateful for the experience because it has made me a better filmmaker, artist, and human being.”
As for its narrative connective tissue to Holla, “We crafted Holla II in such a way that you don’t have to see the first movie to follow the story,” stated Coakley, “but it’s more enjoyable if you do.”
Kyler, who in addition to working as an actress is employed as a back-up singer and dancer for the rock band Motley Crue, stated of her role in Holla II, “I loved being the ‘token white girl,’ along with having all my scenes with the ‘token white guy’ who thinks he is black. So funny! But surprisingly, we weren’t killed first! So they went against the grain with that one.”
Regarding her eventual cinematic death in Holla II (Kyler’s no stranger to the concept, having previously been memorably dispatched in the opening minutes of Laid to Rest 2), Coakley offered of her performance, “She was such a professional and never complained. Even after she was asked to repeatedly fall down in the woods in freezing weather at 2 A.M. topless. She was great! I can’t wait to work with her again.”
As for further installments in the franchise, Coakley revealed to us, “Next up is Holla 3D, which yes, we will shoot in 3D! It will take place outside of the US, probably in France, Italy or China! The fourth film will be called Holla-Ween, and the fifth will be called Happy Holladays.”
For more be sure to like Holla II on Facebook, follow Holla II on Twitter (@hollatwo), and visit the official Rockstone Releasing site. You can live vicariously as Kyler tours the world with Nikki Sixx and Co. by following Allison Kyler on Twitter (@AllisonKyler).
Thanks to photographer Jeremy Stray.

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