‘Tales of Dread’: Scary Stories From The Most Exciting New Voices In Horror Fiction

Do you frighten easily?
Are you faint of heart?
Then avoid at all costs… Tales of Dread.
A brand new horror fiction label Tales of Dread is arriving to keep you up at night with original scary stories of the weird and unknown! Each Tuesday, Dread Central will publish a new work of terrifying short fiction from emerging voices in horror literature.

Stay inside. Lock your doors. Turn off your phone. And just keep telling yourself… they’re only stories…
Tales of Dread officially launches its first story on Tuesday, October 5th. Mark your calendar, if you dare.
Watch the official trailer now:
Dread Central is publishing Tales of Dread exclusively through DreadCentral.com and DreadCentral.com/Tales-Of-Dread.
Tales of Dread is an ongoing series dedicated to showcasing the best works from underrepresented and emerging voices within the horror community.

Do you write horror fiction? Dread Central wants to see what you’ve got! We want to review stories from writers of all levels.
- All stories must be 300 – 1000 words in length.
- Share you story with us through an editable format. This includes Docx, Google Doc, and editable PDF.
- Preference will be give to unpublished works.
- Dread Central will not own your stories after publication
- Send your stories to [email protected]
- In the subject line state: “Your name – Story title – Word count”
- In the body of the email please include a one-sentence summary as well as the document
- Please specify if your story is published or unpublished.
- Only one submission per email. We will not accept more than 3 unique submissions per month

Are you a purveyor of scary horror fiction? Then you’ll want to bookmark DreadCentral.com/Tales-of-Dread to stay up to date with each of our new works of terror. If you are a writer please do not hesitate to submit. It’s totally free.
Categorized:News Tales of Dread