Chat LIVE with Some of the Filmmakers Behind The ABCs of Death

Can’t wait for the screening of The ABCs of Death at the CineMayhem Film Festival? Want to chat with a few of the flick’s directors? We have your hookup right here. Read on for details.
From the Press Release
When: Tomorrow, February 20, 2013, from 11:00am PST – 2:00pm PST
Who: The following directors and producers are participating in the Reddit AMA Live Chat:
Nacho Vigalondo – A is for Apocalypse
Adrían Garcia Bogliano – B is for Bigfoot
Ernesto Díaz Espinoza – C is for Cycle
Marcel Sarmiento – D is for Dogfight
Thomas Malling – H is for Hydro-Electric Diffusion
Jorge Michel Grau- I is for Ingrown
Simon Rumley – P is for Pressure
Adam Wingard – Q is for Quack
Srdjan Spasojevic- R is for Removed
Lee Hardcastle – T is for Toilet
Ben Wheatley – U is for Unearthed
Kaare Andrews – V is for Vagitus
Jon Schnepp – W is for WTF
Xavier Gens – X is for XXL
Jason Eisener – Y is for Youngbuck
Ant Timpson – Co Producer
Tim League – Co Producer
Where: To join the chat, you’ll need to login to and leave a comment. The directors and producers will be answering fan questions in real time!
The ABCs of Death (review here) is available now on VOD and in theaters on March 8th. The film includes shorts from 26 hot genre filmmakers, including Ben Wheatley, Ti West, Adam Wingard and Simon Rumley, Nacho Vigolando, Adrian Bogliano, Xavier Gens, Jason Eisener, Jon Schnepp, Yoshihiro Nishimura, Noboru Iguchi, and more.
Twenty-six directors. Twenty-six ways to die. The ABCs OF DEATH is perhaps the most ambitious anthology film ever conceived with productions spanning fifteen countries and featuring segments directed by over two dozen of the world’s leading talents in contemporary genre film. Inspired by children’s educational books, the motion picture is comprised of twenty-six individual chapters, each helmed by a different director assigned a letter of the alphabet. The directors were then given free reign in choosing a word to create a story involving death. Provocative, shocking, funny, and ultimately confrontational, THE ABCs OF DEATH is the definitive vision of modern horror diversity.
For more visit the official The ABCs of Death website and “like” The ABCs of Death on Facebook.

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