‘Yuletide Horror’ Will Be The Ultimate Christmas Horror Film Documentary!

Something sinister is coming to town… and the Yuletide Horror will soon be upon us…
I don’t know about you, but there are some days where I almost enjoy horror documentaries more than horror movies themselves. From Never Sleep Again to In Search Of Darkness, there have been a slew of iconic documentaries about horror in the past 10 years and I am not complaining.
Now it looks like the medium is getting a little bit frostier.
Yuletide Horror will the first feature-length documentary to deck your eyeballs with a terrifying exploration into the history of Christmas horror folklore and cinema.
Featuring interviews with horror experts, filmmakers and scholars, Yuletide Horror will charter the history of the holiday season’s roots, from disturbing folklore from around the world, to the genre’s proliferation and unyielding appeal in modern-day horror cinema.
While exploring the key and varied cinematic staples of the sub-genre, the documentary will investigate its cultural influences, as well as uncover the themes and subtext which sit menacingly underneath the Christmas tree.
Directed by Ethan Evans (The Haunted Museum, Time Out), and co-produced by Jess Bartlett (Time Out, Stagnant) and Kieran Nolan Jones (Teen Screams), the documentary will be co-written by the trio.
Yuletide Horror is a co-production between Evans’ and Bartlett’s Terror Arcade and Nolan Jones’ Hellmouth Pictures label.
Yuletide Horror will be sneaking down your chimney in 2023, so keep your fireplace ablaze.

Lastly, what say you? Are you gonna be checking out Yuletide Horror when it lands in 2023? Let me know on Twitter via @joshkorngut. I’m always available to chat all things Christmas horror!