The 10 Most Comforting Horror Movies, According To Reddit

Is there anything more comforting than turning on a late-game Elm Street and watching teens get squished like bugs? I’m not suggesting there’s something wrong with this. In fact, quite the opposite. Us horror fans are sweet lil’ sickos and we might as well celebrate our not-so-wholesome comfort watches. Now Reddit is getting in on the conversation. Users, spearheaded by Whereiscatlin, have got their boots on the ground to find out which horror movies are the most comforting.
While titles like Drag Me To Hell and Scream seem awfully scary to help us fall asleep at night, it makes a lot of sense on reflection. So many of us endured these classics far too young, at points in our baby-faced lives where everything felt simple and contained. Our nostalgia for these the creeptastic horror touchstones bring us back to world before break ups, pandemics, back pain and social media. What’s not to love about that?
I’ve gone into the thread on the front page of the internet to unearth the 10 most upvoted responses, including double entries. I can’t lie, a few of these bad boys are definitely in my own comfort watch repetoire.
Here are Reddit’s top 10 comfort watch horror movies:
- Drag Me To Hell
- Shaun of the Dead
- Scream
- Creepshow
- Event Horizon
- The Faculty
- The Evil Dead
- Evil Dead II
- A Nightmare On Elm Street 5
- 13 Ghosts (2001)

Lastly, how does the above list stack up against your own spooky soothers? What titles would you include on your top 10 list? Let me know on Twitter via @joshkorngut. I’m always available to chat all thing comfort horror. You can also let your voice be heard in the comments below.