Screamfest Horror Film Fest Opens its 2013 Call for Entries

With some of us still reeling from the frenzy that was October 2012, it’s hard to believe that we’re already prepping for 2013’s spooky, cinematic mayhem. LA’s venerable horror film festival Screamfest is as well, and they’ve now begun accepting submissions.
“Screamfest is celebrating its 13th year this October,” festival founder and director Rachel Belofsky told us, “and it’s already starting off as a big year with [feature films] Thale and American Mary releasing on our Screamfest label via XLrator Media.”
While its October festival dates and location are yet to be released (we will have the skinny on that soon), Screamfest is now accepting submissions in the following film categories for the upcoming 2013 event:
-Feature Films
-Short Films
-Student Films
-Animated Films
The early film submission deadline is June 15th, the regular deadline is July 15th, and the final deadline is August 1st. For more info on film submissions, click here.
-Feature Scripts (75-130 pages)
The regular deadline is March 15th with the final deadline set for May 15th. The winning script will receives a $1,000 cash prize, Movie Magic Screenwriter software, and the ‘Skully’ award trophy (sculpted by the late Stan Winston). Top four finalists will receive a $250 cash prize, Movie Magic Screenwriter software, and a six-month free Prolific Pro Read Through membership. For more info on the screenplay competition, click here.
For more info follow Screamfest (official site here) on Twitter or Facebook.

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