In ‘Tethered’ A Blind Teenager’s Survival Is Dangling By A Rope [Trailer]


The Quiet Place brought us silent horror where its characters could only walk a certain path to keep them safe. They also had a set of rules for survival. Now, director Daniel Robinette is twisting this concept in his new film Tethered.

Here’s the plot synopsis for Tethered:

In the remote woods of North Carolina, a blind teenager named Solomon lives by himself in total isolation. Despite his impairment, Solomon is able to navigate his surroundings by tying a long rope around his waist that stays tethered to the cabin where he lives. Armed with only his tether, Solomon survives by fishing, foraging, and trapping small animals for food. His only other stimulation is a tape recorded message containing three mysterious rules: The First Rule: When you hunt or scavenge, do it for two—one for the forest and one for you.The Second Rule: When your will is almost gone and you feel like giving up, find comfort in singing our song.The Third Rule: You must never, ever let go of the rope.

Watch the trailer for Tethered now:

From the trailer, Solomon isn’t alone for long as a man stumbles upon Solomon’s encampment. This man begins to uncover what’s happening with the teen, and it may involve some kind of creature.

Alexandra Paul, Kareem Ferguson, Jared L. Cook, Brody Bett, and Chris Demm star in Tethered.


Tethered comes to theaters and On Demand on March 18.



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