Salad Fingers is Back In This Disturbing Romance Between A Man and A Rotting Carcass

Salad Fingers

As a child of the early 2000s, I grew up watching some of the weirdest content the internet could provide. I’m not talking snuff films and I’m talking weird flash animations that was more disturbing than any blue waffle or glass cups shoved up asses. One such video was actually a series called Salad Fingers created by both angel and devil David Firth. The series follows the titular creature in a post-apocalyptic environment where the timid and seemingly deeply mentally ill Salad Fingers spends his days.

I watched this series on repeat with my high school best friends. Whenever a new episode dropped we’d all congregate around my family desktop and giggle in fiendish excitement for whatever fresh hell would unfold in front of us. Corpses littered the landscape, Salad Fingers stroked rusty spoons, and an overall feeling of incredible danger. There are also his three friends/finger puppets Humber Cumberdale, Marjorie Stewart-Baxter, and Jeremy Fisher. The first eight videos were released sporadically from 2004 to 2007. After a four-year hiatus, Firth came back with a ninth episode and every few years releases a new animated horror for those of us who were shaped by the sad, green man. This week, Firth released episode 12 “Post Man”, the first Salad Fingers video since 2019.

Here, Saladfingers has a breakdown over a rotting dog corpse that he thinks is replacing him at the postal counting house. That’s David Firth for post office. It’s important to note that such a location is actually a rusty car door stuck in the dirt. But then, a tentative romance blossoms in a deeply disturbing way.

Watch the new video and prepare to feel ill:

Even after almost two decades of Salad Fingers, Firth’s remained true to the disconcerting animation style. Yes, it’s become more polished. But he’s never forgotten what makes this series so deeply unsettling: stark yet simple animation that captures the hells of whatever this world is. I’m happy to report that even in 2022, Salad Fingers is the same scary man with a heart of gold. He just happens to find love in all the wrong places.

