Special Preview of The Last of Us: American Dreams #1 Comic

Fans can now get their hands on the Last of Us: American Dreams #1 comic book which ties in with Naughty Dog’s upcoming game. The comic is a prequel which takes readers into Ellie’s life before the world is decimated by a modern plague. Read on to check out a special preview!
The comics-exclusive prequel to the new game from Naughty Dog! Creative director Neil Druckmann teams with breakout comics star Faith Erin Hicks to present the story of thirteen-year-old Ellie’s life in a violent, postpandemic world. A newcomer at a military boarding school, Ellie is reluctant to toe the line, which earns her new enemies—and her first glimpse of the world outside.
The comic is a must-read tie-in which coincides with the upcoming release from Naughty Dog Games. Coscripted by The Last of Us art director and lead writer Neil Druckmann with the The Art of Last of Us releasing on June 19th.
About The Last of Us game
The Last of Us is a genre-defining experience that blends survival and action elements to tell a character driven story about a population decimated by a modern plague. Abandoned cities are being reclaimed by nature and the remaining survivors are killing each other for food, weapons and whatever they can get their hands on. Joel, a ruthless survivor, and Ellie, a brave young teenage girl who is wise beyond her years, must work together to survive their journey across what remains of the United States.
For more information, check out the officialThe Last of Us and Dark Horse websites.

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