FilmDistrict to Have The Last Word

Chilling. That’s the only word that comes to mind while watching the documentary The Last Word. If you’ve never seen it, do yourself a favor… it’s out there and it’s dirt cheap. The last ten minutes of the movie will floor you and leave you with your jaw agape. It’s that damned good.
Apparently the folks over at FilmDistrict feel the same way because they announced today that they will co-finance the supernatural thriller The Last Word, which is inspired by the tragic and true story of Johnny Frank Garrett (pictured). Ben Ketai, who’s currently directing Beneath for Revolver Pictures, wrote the script.
The project is set to start lensing this summer for a summer 2014 release. The story will focus on the tragic(!) aftermath endured by the participants in the trial of Garrett in Texas where he was wrongly convicted and executed for the rape and murder of a nun. To further elaborate, here’s the synopsis of the 2008 documentary film by writer/director Jesse Quackenbush.
“A clash between good and evil strikes up on the High Plains of Texas when Johnny Frank Garrett, a 17-year-old retarded boy, is arrested, convicted and ultimately executed for the rape, mutilation and murder of 76-year-old nun Sister Tadea Benz. Garrett claimed his innocence from the time of his arrest until his dying breath. Sixteen years after Garrett’s execution new evidence rose up from the cold case grave of the Amarillo Police Department proving they executed the wrong man! During interviews with key players the case unfolds like a recipe for executing the innocent. In Garrett’s final statement he professed his innocence one last time but did so in a voice driven by hate and vengeance.”
Look for more on this one soon.
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