Get Teased by a Dead Bigfoot

Much to my disappointment Dead Bigfoot: A True Story is not about a Sasquatch that rises from the dead to terrorize people in the woods. Maybe one day Syfy will make “Zomsquatch”. Today I’m talking about a new Bigfoot flick with an eerie trailer.
In October of 2010, two young hunters shot a 7-foot tall animal they could not identify. It stood upright and walked like a man. Dead Bigfoot: A True Story chronicles the events that followed the shooting in an attempt to learn more about the hunters involved and the alleged creature they killed.
The film purports to be a documentary but my Spidey sense tingles watching the trailer. Something tells me this might be a little more found footage docudrama than straightforward documentary. Might also be because A) I’m pretty certain this would have made the news in a big way if it actually happened and B) Ro Sahebi, the movie’s writer, director, and producer, is also the star.
Head over to the movie’s Facebook page for a little more information, and give a look at the eerily effective teaser trailer below.

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