Snow White and the Huntsman Getting the Sequel Treatment

Snow White and the Huntsman is notorious for a couple of reasons… Yes, Kristen Stewart engaged in the Lay Heard Round the World when she dallied with married director Rupert Sanders, but more importantly it’s the flick in which K-Stew showcased more than one look on her face.
Now news is coming out of CinemaCon in Vegas that Universal Studios is looking to give the flick a sequel. No word yet on who will be returning to continue the torrid tale or who will be screwing whom for that matter. Stay tuned.
Original Synopsis:
In this spectacular action-adventure, Kristen Stewart (Twilight) is Snow White, the only woman in the land fairer than the evil queen Ravenna (Oscar® winner Charlize Theron). Ravenna wants nothing more than to destroy her young rival, but she doesn’t know that Show White has been training in the art of war with a huntsman (Chris Hemsworth) the queen dispatched to kill her. Together with a handsome prince (Sam Claflin) enchanted by Snow White’s beauty and power, they assemble an armed force to recapture the kingdom. This breathtaking new vision of the legendary tale from Joe Roth, the producer of Alice in Wonderland, and acclaimed commercial director and state-of-the-art visualist Rupert Sanders is, in the words of Shawn Edwards, Fox-TV, “a film that soars with creativity, stylistic genius, and amazing battle scenes.”
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