‘It Came From Somewhere’: Get Ready for 1950s Monster Madness [Giallo Julian’s Indie Spotlight]

I love 50s creature features.This is less an announcement and more a statement of the obvious. These flicks always found their way to AMC’s Monsterfest back in my youth — WAY back in my youth. The first Monsterfest was broadcasted in 1997, which I remember watching with my grandparents, when I was four years old. Yep, I feel the ever-creeping hand of age gripping my shoulder now. Let’s get back on topic before I develop a complex.
I’ve spouted my love for Roger Corman’s filmography countless times, though those rants were mostly about his work from the 80s and 90s. Turns out, I also love his earliest endeavors.
The Wasp Woman, Little Shop of Horrors, Creature from the Haunted Sea, Carnosaur — all those classics found their way into my childhood viewing schedule at one point or another. Along with these Corman-flicks were plenty of other features showcasing atomic animalia and astro aggressors: Them!, The Giant Gila Monster, The Black Scorpion, The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms, The Thing From Another World, It!: The Terror Beyond Space, Invaders From Mars, The Crawling Eye, the list goes on and on. My love even spans to recent(ish) homages to the sub-genre, like 1999’s Monster! — I’m the only one who remembers that movie — and the masterpiece, The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra. Seriously, if you haven’t seen Lost Skeleton, please check it out. For me.
But I’m not here to wax poetic about another favorite sub-genre of mine, as much as I’d love to do just that. Not today. Instead, I’m here to elucidate an upcoming film’s Indiegogo! One that I’m excited to tune in for — It Came From Somewhere!
Where? Here, there, anywhere? I don’t know! Somewhere! That’s all we know until the movie comes out, and even then — given its inspiration — it’s 50-50 on whether or not they’ll answer that question. Maybe the film’s synopsis will give us some clues:
“A flying saucer crashes, releasing a creature that terrorizes a small town and kidnaps a small girl. It’s up to a group of teenagers and the flying saucer’s pilots to track down the creature before it kills the entire town.”
Ah! Space! Somewhere in space! Sure, of course, it’s all coming together.
The movie takes direct inspiration from two major influences: the previously mentioned Roger Corman and the ever-inspired B-movie director, Ed Wood. Specifically of their alien menace-flavored endeavors, I’m assuming. So think It Conquered the World and Plan 9 From Outer Space, and you’ll get the idea.
Steve Herrman and Ashley Heffner are helming this feature written by Bryan Parkenson. It stars Paige Bourne (Trepidity, Through Eyes of Grace), Bill Russell (Dr. Death, Evil Lurks), Beth Metcalf (Trepidity, Escape from Muddy Run), Jake Yanko (Trepidity, Morium), Randall Cole (Mothman, From Hell and Back), Ashley Hefner (Trepidity, Blood Sisters), Taydem Shoesmith (Trepidity, Blood Sisters), Magdalena Conway (Trepidity, Blackout), Miranda Kilpatrick (Trepidity, Blood Sisters), Delilah Hefner (Blood Sisters, 13th Darkness), and Ann Myrna (Girl Assassin: The Search for Caesar, 88). Tony Parsons is handling the movie’s music and sound.
It Came From Somewhere is planned to be released “before the end of 2022”, with shooting dates set and locations already booked. While we wait, consider supporting their Indiegogo right here and get some perks in return!
As always, as soon as I know more, you will.
Until next time…
Ciao, friends!
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