Legendary Lowers the Budget for As Above, So Below

The found footage subgenre continues to press on despite many saying that it’s in its death throes. Next on tap for you cats who are always on the lookout for some cinéma vérité flavored goodness comes the first word on As Above, So Below.
Variety reports that Legendary Pictures is now ready to try its hand at lower budget fare, setting up the aforementioned thriller with John and Drew Dowdle co-writing the flick with John directing and Drew producing. The two had previously worked on Devil for Fox, but that movie, while not bad at all, fell victim to the dreaded Curse of the Shyamalan.
No plot details were given, but sources say it would follow two archaeologists in search of a lost treasure in the catacombs below Paris. Partrick Aiello is also producing with Legendary Pictures. Alex Hedlund will oversee for Legendary.
More on this one as it comes.
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