The Creature From the Black Lagoon Life Magazine Photo Spread Revisited

On a personal level I make no bones about it… The Creature from the Black Lagoon is one of my all time favorite movie monsters, and to this very day it holds up as one of the best monster suits ever created. Get ready to take a full color look at him in all his gilled glory!
Kerry Gammill of Gammillustrations recently color corrected copies of images that were taken for Life Magazine from the 1953 set of the film. Unfortunately they never made it into the magazine itself, but here they are in all of their full color glory. Big thanks to BD for making us aware of these, and even bigger thanks to Kerry for taking the time to restore these little seen pieces of classic monster glory.
There’s been a lot of talk of a possible Creature from the Black Lagoon remake, but nothing has ever come to fruition. If it ever does get made, I pray every day they stick with the original look of the Creature and do it practical. No one wants a CGI Gillman.

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