‘Holes in the Sky: The Sean Miller Story’ Becomes The Most Awarded Found-Footage Film

Hey, Blood Babes! Just a quick update on a film I featured earlier this year. I was just informed today by Ash Hamilton that his latest feature — Holes in the Sky: The Sean Miller Story — has become the found footage film with the highest number of awards, beating out The Blair Witch Project for said honor. Very fucking rad, if you ask me!
Here’s a quick synopsis of Holes In The Sky:
“In July of 2013 Sean Miller disappeared for four days. Seven years later a documentary film crew found out why.”
I’ve covered my thoughts on Holes in the Sky in January, which you can read right here. But to sum it all up: I loved it! As someone who isn’t that much of a found footage fan, I thought it was an incredibly fun flick that managed to sincerely scare me at one point. That doesn’t happen too often, so that must mean something, right? I highly recommend checking it out when it drops November 1st on-demand and DVD. If streaming is more your speed, it’ll be available in February 2023.
To see what awards the film has won, visit Joyhorror Entertainment’s blog post here!
Until next time…
Ciao friends!
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