Heartwarming New Trailer for ‘The Loneliest Boy in the World’ Gives Us Serious ‘Idle Hands’ Vibes

From Well Go USA Entertainment and Director Martin Owen (The Intergalactic Adventures of Max Cloud, Killers Anonymous) comes The Loneliest Boy in the World, a coming-of-age fairytale, but with zombies!
“When the sheltered and unsocialized Oliver is tasked with making new friends after the sudden and devastating death of his mother, he decides that digging a few up (literally) might be his best bet. However, when he awakens the morning after his excavating escapades, he discovers that his newly acquired friends have mysteriously come to life overnight, launching them all into a series of misadventures as they try to keep their secret safe from neighbors, classmates and social workers alike.“
Check out the hilarious trailer below.
Loneliest Boy looks like a riotous and touching good time with a heart, blood, and a heavy dose of 90’s-inspired horror and glimpses of early Tim Burton to boot! Release date is October 14th in select theaters and on demand and digital October 18th so mark your calendars.