The Sleeper Awakens!: Day One Of Nightmares Film Festival 2022

It’s that time again! Nightmares Film Festival has kicked off once more in Columbus, Ohio at their highly-acclaimed Gateway Film Center. The opening night festivities kicked off with three blocks of short films, as well as three features: Sinphony, Scare Package II: Rad Chad’s Revenge, and #Float.

Sinphony is an ambitious anthology flick that was coordinated over the social media platform Clubhouse during the pandemic. If you enjoyed recent tonally-similar anthology fares like Southbound and The Field Guide to Evil, this one might just be for you. It’s already been picked up by Dark Sky Films, so look for it to arrive in front of your eyes fairly soon.

#Float is an indie horror thriller that hails from first-time director and longtime producer Zac Locke (Bloodline, The Wind). Locke plays around mixed media and extemporaneous dialogue in some really interesting ways, all the while dishing out a critique of Gen-Z and their place in the world, particularly outside of modern urban society.

As for Scare Package II: Rad Chad’s Revenge? Well, if you’re a fan of the first film like I am, you’re in for a treat with this one. Writer/director/producer extraordinaire Aaron B. Koontz has put together another blast of an anthology film with a super fun narrative wraparound. As far as screenings went, it was the highlight of the night for me. Look for it on Shudder sometime later this year.

But It’s Not Just About The Movies!

Film festivals are more than just features and shorts, however. Seeing new horror films on the big screen is always a thrill. But the true gem of every great festival is the community it has built around itself. Few things are more fun than watching movies with friends and family, which is exactly the kind of environment that the Nightmares Film Festival has created over the past seven years.

Those of us who have been obsessed with the genre for decades know that it’s a rarity to find others who love horror just as much as we do. Sure, we might have friends and family members who have an affinity for it. But there’s a difference between liking horror and LIVING it. The internet has helped bring us obsessives closer together via websites, social media groups, and message boards. Yet even that’s still not quite the same as standing and sitting side by side with folks who love horror just as much as you do. And if you can find a place that allows you to do that with a lot of the same people every year? Well, my advice is to take such a place by the reins and never let go. Nightmares Film Festival is that place for me.

If you’re free this weekend, tickets for Nightmares Film Festival are still available! You’ve still got time to spend at least a day experiencing what this fest has to offer. Scoop up a bunch and head on down here! We’ll welcome you with open arms! #ComePlayWithUs



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