Cult Classic ‘Spider Baby’ Is Getting A Remake [Exclusive]

Spider Baby

Hey, Gorehounds! Just have a quick announcement I wanted to share with you, then you can go back to your flesh feasting, blood drinking, bone gnawing, or however else you spend your nights.

Word just came my way that Dustin Ferguson — who I’ve talked about before on my Indie Spotlight — has optioned the rights to the cult-classic Spider Baby, and is planning to produce a remake through his production company, SoCal Cinema Studios!

Read the full synopsis for the original Spider Baby:

“Chauffeur Bruno (Lon Chaney Jr.) looks after three strange siblings at their family estate. Ralph (Sid Haig), Virginia (Jill Banner) and Elizabeth (Beverly Washburn) all suffer from an inherited condition: a genetic disorder that causes a reversal in mental age and results in a crazed, childlike disposition. Because of his affection for the family, Bruno covers up the siblings’ bizarre behavior and crimes. But, when relatives arrive at the family estate, the truth is bound to come out.”

Spider Baby is most famous for having the first acting role of Captain Spaulding himself, Sid Haig. While I’m currently in the dark about who’s all involved in this remake’s production, I do know that the original director — Jack Hill — will be serving as Executive Producer.

As always, once I know more, you will! By the sound of things, that might be sooner rather than later.

Until next time…

Ciao, friends!

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