9 Black-Owned Horror Stores That You Should Be Shopping At Right Now

It’s Black History Month and one of the best ways to celebrate is shopping Black-owned businesses for horror merch needs. We have assembled a list of some of the best art, clothes, accessories, and even crocheted oddities to make sure you can find whatever you might be in the mood for. Reading this article a little too far away from payday? Then we have Instagram handles for everyone so you can follow them and come back to buy all the creepy merch you can stand. Without further adieu, let us introduce you to some stores that are coming for our wallets.
The LaSane Asylum
Instagram: @iwantcustomshoes
Website: https://laptoplasane.myshopify.com/

Andrew LaSane has been showcasing self-made horror merch we need for years. Whether it’s hand-painted backpacks, shoes, or designing A24 hoodies, these one-of-a-kind items never miss.
Bad Dahlia
Instagram: @baddahlia
Website: https://baddahlia.co/

If you want a shop that does clothes, cosmetics, jewelry, and accessories then you want to check out Bad Dahlia. It’s the one-stop shop for all your alternative and horror needs. Hot Topic wishes they could be this cool.
Goat Witch Goods
Instagram: @goatwitchgoods
Website: https://www.goatwitchgoods.com/shop

Goat Witch Goods specializes in shirts, sweats, and totes celebrating horror and musicians out of the mainstream. It’s the only place you can buy hoodies to rep The Fly and Prince for under $50.
Gothic Lamb
Instagram: @gothiclamb
Website: https://gothiclamb.com/

This “home for melanated misfits” is run by Lucy who has been killing it since 2016 with a brand described as “graphic-goth”. This store has comfy, cool, collectibles for really low prices. The aesthetic is unmistakable and deserves to be part of an edgy Fashion Week for horror nerds.
Scarlet & Graves Clothing
Instagram: @scarletgraves
Website: http://www.scarletandgraves.com/

This alternative brand is making awesome-looking clothing at very affordable rates. Most of the t-shirts are under $12 which is the perfect excuse to buy a ton of them. The artwork is a mix of horror, heavy metal, goth, grunge, and glam aesthetics. Open your wallets.
Sew Strange
Instagram: @cass.sew.strange
Website: https://www.etsy.com/shop/SewStrangeConjurings

This Etsy store is coming for your hearts and wallets. Cassandra has a fun blend of random items you don’t know you need until you see them. Goosebumps pins, Pinhead pin cushions, and Serial Mom lighter holders are all handmade and ready for the buying.
Tales From The Stitch
Instagram: @tales_from_the_stitch
Website: https://www.talesfromthestitch.com/

Tales From The Stitch specializes in cute crochet versions of our favorite horror baddies. You don’t understand how cool this art form is until you see a Candyman or Malignant’s Gabriel and yell “aww” as you check your credit card balance. All of these designs are handmade and make me wish I had a talent.
Instagram: @cassandra_von_kreep
Website: https://www.etsy.com/shop/VonKreepArt

If you’ve been wanting some edgy jewelry then this is the place! You can pick up a choker, a crown, spiked chains, but also earrings that are dark but fun and whimsical. Because everything is so affordable it often sells out fast. So if you see something you like you better hurry.
Instagram: Wickedlandjewelry
Website: https://wickedland.storenvy.com/

Wickland Jewelry has so many wicked little things that make my heart happy. This handmade jewelry is for “those who have fallen through the Looking Glass.’ This is a ton of us seeing as so much of it keeps selling out. Get you a cute and creepy bracelet while you keep an eye out for some of the collections to come back in stock.
So glad we could introduce you to some of our favorite Black-owned online horror shops. The beautiful thing about these stores is you can support them all year long. They keep new inventory coming in, which means something will catch your eye sooner or later. Be sure to take them on the socials when you buy their merch.
Let me know if you found your new favorite Black-owned Horror shop on this list at @Misssharai.