‘I Know What You Did Last Summer’ Legacy Sequel With Jennifer Love Hewitt and Freddie Prinze Jr. Is In Development

After the giant success of Paramount’s Scream legacy sequel, the next obvious title to reload is Kevin Williamson’s 90s classic I Know What You Did Last Summer. Deadline now reports that Do Revenge director Kaytin Robinson has been hired to helm a direct sequel to the hook-handed slasher. Original producer Neal H. Moritz is said to return, and Leah McKendrick is signed to write the script.
It’s said that Robinson and McKenrick wowed executives with their pitch and that the timing is especially appropriate given the recent smash revival of the Scream franchise. I Know What You Did Last Summer and Scream can be seen as sister franchises, given they were both modern slashers penned by the same writer. Both series have also received short-lived television adaptations in recent years.
In the vein of Scream 5, Sony is looking to create a direct sequel that is a “passing of the torch” from the original cast to a new group of performers. Original co-leads Jennifer Love Hewitt and Freddy Prinze Jr are negotiating to return.
Here’s the synopsis for the original film, according to Rotten Tomatoes:
A year after running over a fisherman and dumping his body in the water, four friends reconvene when Julie (Jennifer Love Hewitt) receives a frightening letter telling her that their crime was seen. While pursuing who he thinks is responsible for the letter, Barry (Ryan Phillippe) is run over by a man with a meat hook. The bloodletting only increases from there, as the killer with the hook continues to stalk Julie, Helen (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and Ray (Freddie Prinze Jr.).
Check out the trailer for I Know What You Did Last Summer:
While there have been three films and a television series in the franchise so far, the source material is actually a novel of the same name by Lois Duncan with a very different throughline.
Lastly, what do you think? Are you excited to check out a new I Know What You Did Last Summer film? Let us know on Twitter via @DreadCentral. We’re always around to chat about all things 90s horror!