New Film ‘Return To Silent Hill’ Is About To Begin Shooting With Original Movie’s Director

Filming for Return To Silent Hill is officially starting up soon, According to Deadline. Not only are we finally getting a new film, but this one will also see the return of Christophe Gans. Gans directed Silent Hill (2006), so he knows this world better than most.
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Return to Silent Hill will be an adaptation of Konami’s Silent Hill 2 video game from 2001. The game follows James Sunderland as he fights his way through the hellish town, looking for his deceased wife. We don’t know how closely production will follow the source material narrative.
All Gans has said about the plot is:
“The film tells the story of a young guy coming back to Silent Hill, where he has known a great love, and what he’s going to find is a pure nightmare.”
Producer Victor Hadida has stated that Gans’ idea is to “make it modern, but also very true to the video game.”
In the teaser trailer, Gans and Hadida talked about using new technologies and how everything has changed over the last fifteen years. However, they still want to respect the authors, producers, Konami, and the Silent Hill fan base. A fan base that Gans is a member of.
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Watch The Return To Silent Hill Teaser Trailer
While we may not know who will join the cast or when we can expect the film, however, we can likely rest assured that Pyramid Head will be returning alongside Gans. To be honest, that’s enough for me to open my purse.
Are you as excited about Return To Silent Hill as I am? Then let’s geek out together at @misssharai.