‘M3GAN’ Creative Team Discuss Going Viral [Video Interview]

She’s more than a toy. She’s family. And now she’s Unrated. M3GAN arrived in an all-new unrated version with revealing extras on Blu-ray and DVD earlier this week from Universal Pictures Home Entertainment.
To celebrate the release of the physical release of M3GAN, I sat down with writer Akela Cooper (Malignant) and director Gerard Johnstone (Housebound), who get candid about what it felt like watching their film go viral.
Check out our interview with writer Akela Cooper:
Check out our interview with director Gerard Johnstone:
According to Universal, the M3GAN UNRAT3D VERSION “delivers more distressing violence and profanity and features never-before-seen bonus content, including a breakdown of the creation of M3GAN and behind-the-scenes featurettes showcasing the film’s complex stunts and gory deaths.”
Lastly, have you had a chance to check out the M3GAN UNRAT3D VERSION? Have you picked up your physical copy of this new cult classic? Let us know on Twitter via @DreadCentral. We’re always around to chat about all things killer dolls.
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