Take a Look at Rob DiLauro’s Upcoming Novel Series Scorn

Scheduled for release later this year and early next, Rob DiLauro’s eagerly anticipated trilogy of novels, entitled Scorn, is poised to thrill and delight readers with a supernatural tale that’s sure to heat up your nights and get your skin crawling.
Released by Dark Moon Press, DiLauro’s first book, entitled simply Scorn: Book One, will get the ball rolling with the second book scheduled to be released in February 2014. Dig some of the artwork and a synopsis of the plot below.
Dark Moon Press is proud to bring you the saga of Scorn, an epic horror story of pain, deception, love, and heartbreak. Jason Cain and his future wife, Elizabeth Rinehart, meet unexpectedly in 2002, having a life, success as writers, and the birth of a child…until their fateful split. Susan Rogers is a young high school girl in 1979 with a broken home, a mysterious abusive mother with many secrets, and a horrifying future with her husband and father of her child, who brutally mistreats her physically and mentally. Sara is a witch who was burned at the stake in the eighteenth century after her hidden village of practicing sisters is attacked by a group of townsmen. All of these fates collide in an epic conclusion after Jason Cain is tricked into reciting a spell that is meant to bring back his lost love and son, only to bring on man’s end when the women of the world become the possessed murderous army of a force that is hell-bent on returning the earth to a world of peace and balance. Or is it all a trick in itself? Scorn is a must read for fans of drama and a horror story that will have you on the edge of your seat!

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