E3 2013 – EA Games Bites Back with Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare, Star Wars Battlefront, Dragon Age III: Inquisition

EA Games has had a rough year. From sub-par games to absolutely enraged consumers sick of being nickle and dimed by mirco-transactions, etc., the company was very much in need of some shining moments.
Those moments came in these several new trailers which debuted at E3!
Announced at E3 2013, the Battlefront franchise is reborn. Check out the teaser for Star Wars Battlefront. When they say teaser, they weren’t kidding! Having just secured the rights to Star Wars a few weeks ago, it’s pretty obvious that this one was thrown together explicitly to just have something to show from everyone’s go-to franchise.
Plants vs. Zombies has evolved! Check out the new direction for the franchise on the Frostbite 3 engine! Yep, it’s time for some Garden Warfare, kids! Dig it!
RPG fans, rejoice! The third chapter in the epic Dragon Age series is on its way! Check out the first trailer for Dragon Age: Inquisition!
Not a bad lineup. Also on display for you curious gamers were an array of sports titles and Need for Speed: Rivals, which looks like an absolute blast! So what do you think? Are the above titles enough of an olive branch for gamers, or does the most despised video game company of the year still suck? Sound off below!
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