Will Achieves Clarity in this Highlight Clip from the Hannibal Season Finale Episode 1.13 – Savoureux

We don’t often run “highlight” clips from TV shows that have already aired, but last night’s season finale of “Hannibal” was so awesome that we’re not ready to shut the door on it just yet.
The first season of “Hannibal” was basically a cat and mouse game between our favorite serial killing cannibal Dr. Lecter and the extremely unstable FBI profiler Will Graham that kept us on the edge of our seats until the very last second, and this clip was the turning point we’d been waiting weeks for. Check it out below, and keep it here for word on when “Hannibal” will return to NBC’s schedule. It can’t be soon enough, that’s for sure!
“Hannibal” Episode 1.13 – “Savoureux” (aired 6/20/13)
HANNIBAL PROVES TO BE NO FRIEND TO WILL; JACK AND ALANA COME TO BELIEVE WILL IS CAPABLE OF MURDER – When Will (Hugh Dancy) returns from Minnesota without Abigail (Kacey Rohl), Hannibal (Mads Mikkelsen) turns Will in, and Jack (Laurence Fishburne) and the BAU team find strong evidence of Will having killed not only Abigail, but possibly being the Copy Cat Killer.
Related Story: See our “Hannibal” Archive Here
Jack and Alana (Caroline Dhavernas) begin to accept that Will is indeed capable of murder. Will is arrested, plans a desperate escape, and takes Hannibal back to Minnesota to clear his name and prove he’s being framed. But before he can, the situation takes another ugly and unexpected turn. Gillian Anderson guest stars.
For more info visit “Hannibal” on NBC.com, “like” “Hannibal” on Facebook, and follow “Hannibal” on Twitter.

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