Mixtape Massacre: Time Warp: Get Ready To Time Travel In The Newest Expansion of The Beloved Slasher Tabletop Game

Mixtape Massacre is doing the time warp again with their brand-new expansion Time Warp as part of their Escape From Tall Oaks series. This also marks the final entry in the 1980s six-part collection. A franchise is coming to an end, so to speak.
The Kickstarter for the Mixtape Massacre: Time Warp expansion launched on June 20, 2023 and was funded in under two hours. Horror fans absolutely love this game and the journey this team has taken them on. Since it’s fully funded, stretch goals are now being unlocked, so you still have time to back the project!

In this brand new expansion for Escape from Tall Oaks (with additional components for use with Mixtape Massacre) Time Warp has players working together as you travel back and forth through time in an attempt to clean up, or mess up, the Tall Oaks’ timeline.
During your travels, you’ll be chased by new slashers of Tall Oaks’ past and future while also trying to not cause time paradoxes that could tear apart the town and game. With new survivors and slashers, new modes of play, and multiple possibilities for endings, prepare for the time of your life… or death.
Check out the campaign page here.

Haven’t made a visit to Tall Oaks yet? Head over to mixtapemassacre.com to stock up on all the entries from the Mixtape Massacre Tabletop Game Universe. Use code TIMEWARP10 for 10% off your order now through the end of the Kickstarter, July 11, 2023.
