ACCESS:HORROR Is The First Genre Festival Of Its Kind


ACCESS:HORROR 2023, a celebration of the history, impact, and future of disability in genre cinema, is kicking off its inaugural virtual festival and summit on July 8th and 9th, with a combination of films, filmmaker Q&As, and live panels.

The festival offers three blocks of short films, curated by Fantastic Fest, Final Girls Berlin, and Superfest Disability Film Festival, along with filmmaker Q&As and other bonus content. The summit offers twelve panels on a wide variety of topics, from the History of Horror, to Speculative Stories to Change the World. ACCESS:HORROR is sponsored by the George A. Romero Foundation (GARF)

This year’s films include three specially curated blocks from countries such as Germany, Australia, and Greenland. Films include the multi-award-winning revenge fantasy, Our First Priority, written and directed by the festival’s director. Everybody Goes to the Hospital, directed by Tiffany Kimmel, uses the magic of stop-motion animation to tell a story infused with darkness and doctors.

The ACCESS:HORROR summit will feature 45 prominent figures, comprising both noted horror filmmakers and disability advocates, who will share conversations about the role of disability and genre together in advocating for change within filmmaking, institutions, and society as a whole. The festival includes special appearances by Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, Brea Grant, Amanda Kramer, and Millicent Simmonds. Phil Nobile, Jr., the editor of FANGORIA, will preside over the closing panel.

Tickets can be purchased at An all–access pass to all 12 panels and all 16 films, including filmmaker Q&A’s and other bonus content, is $20. 
