‘Death World’ Is An Apocalyptic Hero’s Tale That Needs Your Support [Giallo Julian’s Indie Spotlight]

Worlds… they’re pretty neat, right? I mean, there are many things that can happen in any given world. Take ours, for example. It’s just teeming with everything very literally under the sun. Most importantly of all, especially since (I’m assuming) you fit this category: the curious little phenomena known as “life.” Not only is the state of “life” letting you read this article, but Earth is also the only world we know of that hosts life. How awesome is that?
But, what if instead of being flush with life, our world was dominated by the opposite? A Death World, if you will. Can you imagine what a nightmarish existence that would be? Well, if you can’t, you’re in luck, since Little Spark Films (LSF) is promoting an Indiegogo with such a premise! Just take a look at this!
Read the full synopsis:
“The world is in ruins. The human race has broken into communities that suit their own interests. The evil being leading this destruction has his own monster sentinel on a quest to find a lost device that will enslave the humans, turning them into his own self-replenishing yet disposable army. It is up to Gage to find the relic and set things right with the planet before Khronos can inflict any further damage.”
The film is being written and directed by LSF co-founder Joe Manco, and stars Cory W. Ahre as Gage, the hero taking on the evil Khronos to spare a dying world even more death. Joining Ahre on the cast is Troma founder Lloyd Kaufman, burlesque sensation Honey Sabina, and Joe Blackwood as the insidious Khronos.
On the effects side, Matthew Ash will serve as the SFX supervisor, working alongside Wendy Rager and Tori Yeager. The soundtrack will be “an intense electronic score that beats in the action”, written and performed by ManifestiV. Filming will take place in Fort Worth, TX.
On the upcoming film, Manco said:
“Filmmaking has always been a passion of mine… Through my years studying and surveying various films, I always wanted to create a fun, fantastic, adventure horror picture. The kind that makes you wish you could sit down in their world and be the hero for the day… Essentially, with Death World, I want to make a picture telling the story of an underdog who has lost everything and is called to adventure. Not a small task, I’d say. But what makes our hero’s journey stand out from the rest is that we will be leaning into the fantasy horror element. Making our outrageous terror fun and exciting.”
Y’all know how much I love outrageous, fun terror, so color me intrigued! You can find more info and support Death World on their Indiegogo right here.
As always, once I know more, you will, too.
Until next time…
Ciao, friends!
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